Wednesday, July 11, 2007


just came back from harry porter movie outing with my sisters..... movie was nice very smooth flowing and as close to my imagination of the actual happenings. *mini spoiler* halfway when the deatheaters started showing up, their masks and cloak look so much like the siths in star wars.... haha... you really will expect them to blaze out ligthtsabers instead of wands if ure a true star wars fan...

lots of trival things to say if i wanna write it all down... still cant get down to the essence and purpose of a blog.... for ranting? maybe more for look-on-back times when one gets old.. and when i am in my 60s..... will blogspot be still up? will the world still exist in the midst of so much speculation that global warming will bring calamity in 20 years time. To all those who blog for this reason, have you ever wonder about it? i suspect many of you will forget the existence of your blog when you actually reach the age when you wanna reminiscene about past goings. (did i spell it right? who cares....) and when you wanna retrieve these memories i suspect blogspot servers would have be reformatted, relocated or cease to exist with ure account inactive for so many years.

For now, i reckon that the existence of a blog actually enables one to crystallise his thinking and sort out his thoughts effectively.

And i really feel like typing out a lot of things today ... many of which have been bottled up for so long.

What is life? Not going to be philosiphical( yep.. haha i dun know how to spell k) about it or start preaching religion. But in my current understanding of the world, look beyond the little things we enjoy and love care and concern and there is nothing for us here. This is why so many religions and speculations about life's meaning derive from i suspose. And that is why because i am a christian and despite backsliding numerous times, i still believe that our life on this planet is short-lived and we must go to God and make the best of everything. haha... ok.. i admit i am going into religion a bit. hmm.. and i am wondering now if i am 60 would my outlook on life change.

I think i am thinking about so many serious issues because one. 1) I have too much free time since its the hols (besides gym and outings and everything else which makes me think harder) 2) I am close to the end of my education (uni i mean though i have 3 more years.. haa ^_^) and the time for me to start working and living a even more boring life is close. I have become so independent over the years that i am surprised this did not come to me before. Money issues aside, i spend more time thinking how to get more money (giving tuition etc) supporting myself and etc than i do on anything. 3) I am 22 years old. Despite looking damn young ( like sec 3 i admit) , i realised all good things come to an end. Lan gaming or any gaming seems childish to me now though i refuse to give up on them. Talking nonsense and joking sometimes seem so much waste of time. Think i am changing. hopefully! Feels so much cooler to be more mature. haha. ok.. i am not growing up i suppose.

WA LIEW....feels so song sia... after typing it... think i will forgot what i thought about soon. lol...

Aniwae... to sum up.. i have a WHOLE NEW LIST of goals i wanna achieve!!!

1 comment:

gong said...

what is your whole new list of goals? haha. actually ur thoughts about blogging r the same as me.. tell u next time if i rmb to. i like long posts! lol.. haha.
