Thursday, July 5, 2007

music makes one feels good

went for jamming with my friends today... hell lot of fun i haven had in weeks. played children of the sea by black sabbath and holy diver by dio...... those were solid songs.... very nice!.. hopefully the band will be able to grow...

went lan yday with tty who is back in singapore and meepok man and mr lee fu xiang. Played cs nfs quake 4 .. of which tty won in cs and i won the rest.. haha.... lan's getting boring.. they say i play games that dun need brain one.... cause i never play dota.. haha.... i lazy to learn dota lar.... first time play kanna owned i sianz liaoz...

tomorrow going out with yiling... and got driving too.. and need to go to the dentist... damn wire came out and cut into my cheek.. so painful until i took it out... damn doctor.

cheers =)


gong said...

haha.. glad you posted.


Unknown said...

i'm reading....


Eman Rohe said...

U still haven get your license meh??