Ok... relief teaching to be more precise. Update. I read finished harry potter 7 though it wasn't in any book form.... go figure..haha... wasn't realli satisfied with the book though although it gives a passable ending of events. I haven got the mybook ... some chic looking storage hdd (hard disc drive la). thats because i am learning to hesitate before buying gadgets nowadays.. afterall i am realli surviving on my own now... no money from parents except house food and accomodation.
Relief teaching was horrible. Thats cause i am in a primary school. Little kids can be devils sometimes esp the p2s..... p1s still ok ... a bit gong gong cause haven figure out how to annoy teachers... p2s are when they learned all their tricks from their one year exp and p3s are when they start to behave like little smart asses and climb over ure head if ure not careful.
I am a maths and PE teacher. Maths was taught to p3s teaching them those familar problem etc Peter has 5 more oranges than paul. they both have 40 oranges. How many oranges does peter or paul have? Simple har.... they think so too.. and urged me to go through faster. and later keep coming up to me for explanations of harder variations. I cant be realli fierce though i tried hard to.. raising ure voice almost certainly works. Didn't realli enjoy teaching kids man.. keep acting like smart asses some of them.. couldn't recall me being like that last time. headache sia.. but i didn't realli care. as long as i do what was given out to me and make sure they know what they are doing.
I though PE was more fun. Well.. better than classroom a tiny weeny bit cause there is the problem of crowd control. P3s played badminton so had to get rackets and stuff for them and handle problems like "mr yu... i dun want to play with him. he always hit so far...." and a whole groups of boys wanting to challenge me badminton. and i mean all of them on the other side while i hit back at them. Of course, they played simply. hitting back and forth like aiming for the sky. most of them misses.
P1 and P2 were the worst! running here and there without control. Made them do a variant of shuttlerun to make them practice for sports day.
I sound like i am at a loss of how to handle the kids but in reality i did very well... haha... thats cause i am not a particular teacher and take note of what i am susposed to teach them... and they understand... nobody gets injured etc.. noise level acceptable. But this post is the horrendous afterthoughts of what could have happened.
day 2....