Promised someone that i will try to start blogging so here i am. Sch holidays started like super long ago.... and i had been jobless less than 24 hours ago but i have one now! Well... cause of In camp training( ICT) which occur somewhat in the middle of the break i am forced to delay the search for a job. Went for my first interview (in my present job search) and got it! though its not my kind of job..... wun complain though... realised that its got a lot of its own advantages too...
Well, i am working for prudential.. not directly in the hard selling of insurance but am in the promoting section. There is no basic pay though but the commission is realli realli attractive.. and i mean realli.... haha.....
lets talk about what i did during hols....
1) Slack... and i mean real slacking.... its those wake up then realised got lots of time and nothing to do then go back sleep again.. repeat times about 5 times and in the end get a big headache.
2) Read 3 books within 3 days.... and i mean realli thick books.. (dun think i dun know how to spell really k....)
3) Bought a ps2! 2nd hand though... at $180..... not a fabulous buy i suppose but at a decent price.... fellow bolted when i requested a rebate for a faulty controller... guess everybody knows the danger of online transactions. somemore his games all cannot play one cause burned on lousy dvd.... cheapo...
4) keep trying to psycho myself to go running in the morning but have yet to do so. But went gym recently and getting a bit fitter le.. haha.
5) made plans about next semester ... what cca i joining.. etc. planning to join odac.. cac... and computer gaming club... but i think i will shortlist to two ... cause next semester realli very xiong... all the modules are killers... so it might be odac and cac... odac cause i hope it will keep me happy and not bored during the semester and cac cause my band wants a place to play without paying money.. (and did i say my band? haha!... )
tuition resuming this week.. finally income is coming... and so overdue... haiz.. hope i wun have to face shortage of money in the future.
have some fears about tomorrow... how to approach pple on the street etc.. somemore the targets are young working female adults.. haha.. dunno is it a blessing or what... not exactly a shy guy but i oso dun like to approach pple.
well... hope i snag a few targets.
I haven been going to church.. and feeling guilty about it.... not that i am entirely not interested... wanna be in god's plan.... but its feels so bogged down.. this whole church and cell group thing.. maybe i going to join my friend's cell again.
CHeers... what a super long post about my boring life.............=)